British Consulate General in Jeddah

British Consulate General in Jeddah Saudi Arabia is a strong bond of communication between United Kingdom Government and Saudi Arabia.



Head of Mission: Barrie Peach, Consul General

Guidelines for Visiting British Consulate General in Jeddah

You should follow certain guidelines when you need to visit the Saudi Arabia embassy in your city. Please check out those guidelines, and in case of any confusion, contact us before visiting to prevent unnecessary issues later.

Visit in Normal Working Hours:
Like any other workplace, embassies also have dedicated working hours, which is a rule every visitor needs to respect. Therefore, we advise you to book an appointment during regular working hours. To find out the working hours for your desired Saudi consulate or embassy, please visit the embassy's official website .

Go to the Right Section:
There are specific sections in every embassy, to deal with issues related to that particular aspect of immigration or visa/passport associated matters. If you need to apply for a Saudi business visa or visit visa, you need to visit the Visa Section only. For any complaint or query, visit the relevant section.

Items you can Bring to the embassy:

  • Cellphone
  • Handbag or purse (no bigger than 10"x10")
  • Umbrella (you must store it in a dedicated umbrella rack at the security gate)
  • Visa application and support documents stored in a see-through plastic folder
  • Baby essentials and accessories (e.g., milk, hot water, diapers, strollers)

Items You CANNOT bring to the embassy:

  • Alcohol
  • Electronic or battery-operated devices such as thumb drives, laptops, digital diaries, iPads, cameras, smartwatches, portable audio/video players, pagers, floppy disks, and MP3s, etc.
  • Handbag or purse larger than 10"x10" such as travel suitcases, bags, briefcases, or backpacks.
  • Foods and snacks
  • Cigars/cigarettes
  • Matchboxes/lighters
  • Sharp, edgy objects including nail files, knives, scissors
  • Any explosives or weapons

Visa types granted by United Kingdom are;

  • United Kingdom Work Visas
  • United Kingdom Business Visas
  • United Kingdom Study Visas
  • United Kingdom Visitor Visas
  • United Kingdom Family Visas
  • United Kingdom Settlement Visas
  • United Kingdom Transit Visas

Visa types granted by Saudi Arabia are

  • Saudi Arabia Tourist Visa
  • Saudi Arabia Business Visa
  • Saudi Arabia Transit Visa
  • Saudi Arabia Student Visa
  • Saudi Arabia Medical/Medical Attendant Visas
  • Saudi Arabia Employment & Project Visa
  • Saudi Arabia Diplomatic / Official Visa

Here are some articles that might help you!

Total Cost of the Holiday or Visit:
Do consult the travel agent regarding their refund policy. An unforeseen event may lead to cancellation of your trip or holiday. If this happens, it always helps if you can get the money back.

Travel Itinerary:
You may need additional coverage if you intend to get involved in something extreme. It is a good idea to consider all the activities you will do once you are in Saudi Arabia and then apply for travel insurance.

Traveling with Family: If you are traveling to Saudi Arabia with spouse and children, the travel insurance must cover them. Therefore, it always helps to be informed before starting your journey and buy the right travel insurance package.


Tanweer ahmed

Bismillaahi To whom it may concern : I am a UK citizen studying, living and working in yemen for the past 24 years and 9 months Alhamdullaahi . During this time I married a Yemeni woman 18 years ago whilst studying in Damaj, Sadah according to Islamic sharia law . I now reside in Lahej with my wife currently working as a bookbinder. After meeting and speaking with some officials here representing the Government of the former president Abdul Haadi they have advised me to obtain a CNI from the UK government. Since there is no UK mission here for over 10 years now I politely request that the UK embassy in Jeddah provide me with this document. I pray for a favourable reply with details of where to obtain this as per my situation and what will be the cost. With kind regards Mr Tanweer Ahmed

British Embassy in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

P.O. Box 94351
Riyadh 11693
Saudi Arabia

(+966) 11 4819 100

(+966) 11 481 9350

British Trade Office in Dammam, Saudi Arabia

P.O. Box 3672
Al Khobar 31952
Saudi Arabia

(+966) (13) 882 5300

(+966) (13) 882 5384
